Time is the Supreme Power. This world is ruled by Good and Bad times. They are the real super powers of this world. Time is ruler of everything and everybody.
Dear Devotees,
What’s our normal reaction when we are faced with a severe problem? Our first recourse would be rushing to an astrologer with horoscope. We will look for pariharam to resolve the issue. When it fails, we seek out saints, sadhus, priests, wizards, Mahans and siddhas. We carry out their advises with utmost care. Unfortunately, our troubles refuse to vanish. Upon Vaastu experts’ suggestions we would buy lucky stones, yantra and charms. Well, after all these, if your problem still persists, then we would resort to visiting temples performing pujas and rituals. We surrender ourselves before the god. But what if your problems still refuse to go?
The above scenario is not exaggerated. Today many of us face this every day. “Have visited so many temples; prayed to so many gods; fulfilled every pariharam; performed countless pujas… still problems remain unsolved. Does god have no mercy on me?” we cry out. “Why god has picked me for his punishment? What sins have I committed to suffer like this? Even if I had sinned in the past, can’t he forgive me from my sufferings?” We wail. Vexed with no relief, some would even deny the existence of god. “Where’s god? It’s just a sculptured stone. It depends on our pujas and prasadam for survival. How can it relieve us of our problems?” they say bitterly. They cite the instances where thieves broke into a temple at night and stole the main deity itself. “If a god cannot protect itself how can it protect me; how can it deliver me from my problems?” they say sarcastically.

If there is night, day follows. A ridge is followed by a crater. Bad and good are cyclical in nature. If god gave us predicament, then He may show us a way to overcome it too. So where is that way? If there is an end where is the beginning?

Sri Kaaladevi Saranam
This was what was on Guruji’s mind who also faced similar hardships all his life too. He performed every parihara, puja, followed every ritual to the dot. When none gave relief, he began to wonder if there was an unknown superior power that needed to be prayed to. What is that maha power? Where is it? If only I knew its existence, I could pray to it and ask for riddance of all my troubles. He took pilgrimages from Kashmir to Kanyakumari, visited every temple in the land. He neglected family, relations, and suffered endlessly searching for this one answer. He met every Mahan, rishis, siddhas and enlightened souls roaming all over the country. No satisfactory answer came forth. At last, it was at Mount Abu in Rajasthan the answer came: a mysterious old man revealed the truth: “Time is the Supreme Power. This world is ruled by Good and Bad times. They are the real super powers of this world. Time is ruler of everything and everybody.”
Some may ask: “What’s big deal about time? Only by dint of your hard work, perseverance, positive attitude, plus smartness you can herald good time in your life.” If that were true, then how does one account for the untimely death of a young son in an unfortunate accident; how does one account for one’s dear daughter remaining childless even ten year after of marriage?
We have to admit that humans can only do their best but the end result depends on the supreme influence of the Time.
Some disagree: “None of these reasons hold water. It’s one’s planetary disorder in horoscope that cause all the troubles”. But don’t we check our horoscopes searching good days of the month, stars, auspicious time, etc., before commencing any shubh deed? A newly built house after performing puja and rituals soon get labelled with having bad vibrations. Or bad `Rashi’? A newly launched business after puja fails miserably. We fix marriages only after checking horoscopes of bride and bridegroom. A perfect marriage is set after matching all 10 points of match-making. Even then some marriages break. Both part ways bitterly.
It becomes amply clear that Time is the Supreme Power of this world. Such supreme power is ruled by Sri Kala Devi. Under Her wish Time runs its course. Sri Kaaladevi rules over the known and unknown world. It is She who runs the Kaal Chakra. Without her approval no godly power can function in this world.
The root cause of our troubles is bad time. If a wicked person’s time is good, he may turn into a good man. A beggar may become a king. A dunce can become a business man. Educated persons may stand before him in obedience to serve him. But if bad time enters, all your hard you work goes waste. Your business incurs losses. Rich becomes poor overnight. Even gods desert them those with bad time.
Only Sri Kala Devi with her graceful eyes can change such omnipotent bad time into good time. She is the god of times. If She casts Her graceful eyes upon you, your bad time leaves you immediately. Gods who shied from blessing you will come now. Evil spell will run away. Life-threatening diseases will get cured.
The old man on Mount Abu advised Guruji to build a temple for Sri Kala Devi and pin Her power over there forever. Easier said than done, the task called for Herculean effort. “The Time has come for this. I have shown you the path; do your best,” with this he disappeared from sight.
For years, Guruji had roamed all over the country visiting temples and shrines on empty stomach. Perhaps this moved some superior power. Now it has shown the way through the old man. Returning home, he sold a family property. He searched all over for an ideal place for the temple. After observing several temples and holy places, finally in 2006, he established the present temple.
It was after much perseverance and efforts that the present temple for Sri Kala Devi came up in 2006 on a Full Moon day. (Space not enough to put everything into writing the arduous struggles that preceded before this temple). Once the temple came up, all hardships, persistent problems disappeared. Good news began to pour in; good tidings happened. The local folk were soon attracted to the power of the presiding deity. Initially, they came out of curiosity. But, once they were in, they were caught in the pull of the Sri Kala Devi’s power. Many of the early attendees experienced turn of events to the good. They realized their problems no longer pestered them. The sick felt relief. People from far off began to pour in as word of mouth praise for the temple spread. In the last 14 years devotees have come from every corner of the country and abroad.
Guruji is paying obeisance to Sri Kala Devi for realizing his dream of building the world’s first Time Temple.
How come Sri Kala Devi removes your hurdles and brings good Time into your life?
Will you go to a lawyer for curing stomach pain? You need him only when you fight a case in the court. If you want to know about something, you consult those who know. No one can predict where to get relief and from which god. What will you do if none of your prayers get answered? Ordinary folk keep visiting temples hoping to relieve their problems. When that fails, where will they go?
There are temples offering specific relief from childlessness, sickness, unmarried status, disharmony, evil influences, pestering poverty, etc., When some Mahans bless some, they become wealthy or freed from diseases. Siddhas are known to cure deadly diseases. Some philanthropists discretely donate money to good cause. Some good-hearted help others in finding a job. In the past, benign rulers delivered justice to the poor. We’ve always known such powerful temples, Mahans, siddhas, philanthropists and helpful personalities. Meeting them would have surely made a lot of difference in our lives.
But not everyone gets the opportunity to approach them. Favorable circumstances and fruitful time are needed for such an opportunity. Sri Kala Devi makes your Time favorable for your endeavors. Not only those who suffer from bad time can approach Her; even those under good time may seek Her blessings to prolong their good time.
How to seek Sri Kala Devi’s blessings? Visit the temple continuously for 3 New Moon days and 3 Full Moon days. Circle the sanctum sanctorum 11 times both clockwise and anticlockwise. Those who are suffering from bad time must light an anointed ghee lamp (available inside temple premises) 11 times at the `lighting mantapa’. Please do not bring your own ghee as anointed ghee to the deity is favored.
After fulfilling these rituals, you can enter the temple. Once inside, stand in queue to step on to the Kaala Chakra Wheel facing the main deity inside the sanctum sanctorum. You must stand on the Kala Chakra Wheel for 11 seconds. Don’t close your eyes; keep looking at the deity. Seek Her blessings. While leaving, do not forget to have Sri Kala Devi’s image print. Keep it at your puja room and pray regularly. Follow these steps and see your problems go away gradually.
This amazing temple is located along Madurai – Rajapalayam highway; 45 kms off Madurai at M. Subbulapuram.
Normally, temples open in the morning and close the gate at night. But the specialty of Sri Kala Devi’s Time Temple is that it opens only at 6.00 in the evening and closes darshan at 6.00 before the sun rise. This is the only temple that remains open all night. Because the wheel of good and bad times revolves stronger at night.
Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, Tuesdays, Full and New Moon days are auspicious for Sri Kala Devi. Full and New Moon days are most auspicious. During Full and New Moon days, Sri Kaaladevi’s Kaal Chakra revolves at full speed, heralding better times faster. Worshipping Her during these days lessens your problems faster. Prosperity grows.
In conclusion, before you set out to visit any temple, make it a habit to visit Sri Kala Devi first and seek Her blessings for receiving good time. All your problems will disappear on their own.